Thursday, 17 October 2013

The Ladies Library: Pride & Prejudice by Jane Austin

Hello my beauties, I'm starting a new segment here at Glitter & Roses called: The Ladies Library. These posts will be dedicated to helping you fill your bookshelves with classical stories, empowering self-help guides and adorable coffee table fixtures fit for a classy belle like you. We kick of with the Queen off Classics herself, Jane Austen, with her much loved Pride & Prejudice.




Paperback: 329 pages

Publisher: Wordsworth Editions Ltd; Reprint edition (5 May 1992)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1853260002

ISBN-13: 978-1853260001


"It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife."

Friday, 20 September 2013

Words Of Wisdom

Hello my beauties. As you've probably noticed, I've been away for a while. Well, I've been working very hard on some projects, one of them being 'The Black Rose' e-course for you all.

I was shocked to come back today ( the first time I've logged on in ages) , to find how many clicks I've been getting. You have all given so much to me and I seem to be giving very little to you. My apologies for that, but it's for good a reason as I have lots in store for you going forward.

Friday, 5 July 2013

Hi There :)

Hi everyone, just wanted to let you know I'm still here. I've been busy working on several projects so haven't had much time for blogging. I'll be back on track soon, keep smiling my beauties.

Glitter & Roses  xx

Thursday, 25 April 2013

Girly Inspiration (1)

Hello my beauties, hope you are all doing well. I was actually hoping to post something completely different today, but was having trouble getting my words right (writers block). So instead, I thought I'd share with you some of the things on my wish list and will be adding a new weekly segment to my blog titled: Girly Inspiration.

Monday, 22 April 2013

Education, Education,Education

"Ask me my three main priorities for government and I will tell you: education, education, education." 

These are the famous words of former British Prime Minister, Tony Blair. Now whether or not you think he delivered on his promise, is for you to debate. There's no mistaking however, that education to the highest level, is essential if you're looking to gain access to a certain level of society, and something the 'new' black woman must make a priority. 

Getting a good education, is one of the easiest and quickest ways of climbing up the social ladder and the more prestigious the institution, the better. Unfortunately,  it can also be very expensive, but there are plenty of ways to educate and develop your mind for free.

Friday, 19 April 2013

Wish List Item: Penguin Cloth Bound Classics

To many, the mere mention of the word Classics, evokes thoughts of boring stories, written in a era of old-school attitudes and where the most exciting thing that happened was the annual summer ball (if you were of a higher-class that is). I however, adore the Classics. They are by far the best example of good writing and excellent story telling. Take a look at the New York Times Best Sellers List, yes those books may be hot now, but most are unlikely to stand the test of time. Classics however, are timeless.

Wednesday, 17 April 2013

Five Free Apps Every Lady Should Have

One of the wonders of this new-age we live in, is that we have all the information we could ever want at the tip of our fingers. Just a few taps on your phone and you can know almost everything about anything.
Being a lady is a 24/7 task and it is easy to forget your mannerisms when on the go, luckily, there are some handy apps to give you a quick reminder and advise on various forms of etiquette.

Tuesday, 16 April 2013

A Few Wardrobe Essentials

Study after study has shown, that people judge your character within seconds of meeting you, based solely on how you look and present yourself. We as black women must present ourselves well, in order to dispel many of the negative images and stereotypes we have been lumbered with.

You don't have to spend a fortune to look like an Audrey,  just pick the right essentials and add them to your wardrobe. Here are a few to get you started.

Monday, 15 April 2013

Resources for the new NEW black woman

Hello lovely readers. While there are one-million topics I would love to discuss on this blog, unfortunately, I have neither the time to, or the expertise on many of the topics I would want to cover. Luckily, there are people out there that do. To make it easier for you to find them, I have begun compiling lists of several websites for your viewing and learning pleasure.

Sunday, 14 April 2013

It's A New Day

Hello my fellow readers/bloggers. As you may have noticed, I have deleted all of my previous posts, don't worry, I have not been hacked by a troll lol.

Part of the reason I took such a long hiatus is because I wanted to re-think the aims of my blog. When I first started this blog I wasn't sure which direction I wanted to take it in, or exactly what purpose it would serve. After some heavy thinking and planning, I think I've figured out exactly what I aim to achieve with this blog.